Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Extraordinary Cat Oscar gifted with 6th Sense can Predict death

A cat named Oscar portrayed as a furry grim reaper or four-legged angel of death. This extraordinary cat could sense when someone was going to die. The doctors and staff of U.S. nursing home realized that Oscar can sense death is coming. However Dr. David Dosa, who stated this idea on the news of Oscar's gift in a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007, said that he didn’t intentionally make Oscar sound scary or his arrival at a room to be viewed unenthusiastically. Now Dr. Dosa publishes his book about Oscar’s ability entitled, "Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat." The Doctor hopes that the book will put cat, Oscar, in a more favorable light as well as providing a book to help people understand the gift of Life and Death. The Doctor believes the Oscar is gifted with a Sixth Sense. So far Oscar has truthfully predicted about 50 deaths.
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JMark, that's my name. Im just an ordinary blogger who just want share knowledge about latest current events and collection of movies and celebrity issues.
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